Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Greetings Minga fans,

It just took me so long to log in to this blog to update.  Google apparently owns everything on the internet now and they really want me to interact and interface and googleplus and all kinds of things that I didn't really want to do. I had to sign in and log on and update this and that, and well, at last, here I am.  Feeling a bit tired out by the journey to get here, victoriously signed in and updating The Minga Project Blog (insert roar of trumpets or something here. I remember we used to have some downloaded sounds called 'fanfares' that we'd play when the kids were ready for school in the morning. Boy we thought that was hilarious. Not sure if the kids did, it being morning and none of them really being morning people, I think we may have just been irritating to them.)

So I have to tell you that Lacie, the First Fearless Minga Manager has moved on to pursue her passions in art and writing and travel. There is no way anyone could have done as much as she did to get The Minga up and running.  She worked her butt off and all of us are super grateful that she hung in, put up with, smiled despite and kept on truckin'! We wish her huge success and much happiness in her next adventures.  We hope she'll exhibit a show of her work on the Minga walls, in the not too distant future.  

Since Lacie's gone from The Minga and I have taken on some of her duties. Updating this blog for one.  I've also been making a lot of soup.  Feeling pretty excited about the Vegetable Noodle Soup I made today.  
Next time I won't cook the noodles in the soup though, the whole thing was a mushy (but delicious) mess by the end of the day.  It actually would've made a perfect filling for a pot-pie, and I considered making a pastry but instead I just shared the last few bites with my little friend Grover (who was pretty sad that there weren't any noodles left in the 'chicken noodle soup' I offered him. Bad enough that I lied to a 2 year about it being chicken soup, never mind that the noodles had fallen apart.)

Wow, weird rambley update, but one has to start somewhere doesn't one?  If you don't want to wait until I update this again then I suggest you head on over to Facebook http://www.facebook.com/theminga and follow us, or like us, or whatever it is we have to do over there.  The facebook does get updated fairly frequently and it's probably the best way to get in touch. Well, no, the best way of course would be to come on into The Minga and visit in person, you know, REAL LIFE SOCIAL NETWORKING!  Wow, sorry for the caps, I didn't mean to yell but I drank a considerable amount of coffee today and it's almost midnight now and well, I got a bit carried away.

I'll leave you with a nice photo of some very nice people, including my friend Grover and his beautiful mom, getting their Tuesday night Table Tennis on.  (Frances crosses 'update minga blog' off list and again, the fanfare plays)

See you soon!

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