Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Yikes!! I have not been very good at keeping this blog updated at all. I have however, since the last update over a year ago, made lots of soup. And muffins, I've made loads of muffins. I mean, I have been doing stuff, I've been pretty busy. Don't think I've been lying around, just ignoring the blog and watching television. I've done a little of that (while never once thinking of the blog to be honest.  I watched every episode of the X-flies since the last update...and that's good TV, really keeps the mind off things like, well, your blog. Unless you blog about the X-files I guess, then you might need to watch The Simpsons or something to be truly distracted).

Anyway, the thing is, I noticed an article online that was very nice, and it said The Minga was a good reason to visit the area (along with lots of other great places 'round here). And I noticed that the article linked to this blog. I was going to email some people and say "oh hey look how cool this is, this article mentions The Minga..." but obviously sharing that would only then highlight my malingering in the blog department. For all most people know, I update this thing regularly. I don't think anyone reads it. The internet is kind of big, and there is plenty of stuff to read. Sadly, people sometimes have more faith in me than I deserve, and I didn't want to just point right out "hey I never update the blog!" so, after spending a few minutes (or half an hour) remembering how to sign in here it is. An update!

All that to say, the best way to keep up with happenings at The Minga is...Not This Blog!!
It's better to do one or all of the following things:

1. Follow us on Twitter @mingadunnville 

2. Follow us on Instagram @mingadunnville  #mingadunnville

3. Find us and Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/theminga

4. Come in to The Minga!! Ask us what's going on, look at the calendar on our wall, check the bulletin boards, talk to people, engage in some Real Life Social Networking!! This method, if you can manage it, is highly recommended.

5. Call us on the telephone 289-738-1198 (I feel like I should mention though, do try to call us between 7:30am and 8pm Monday through Friday, or between 10am and 5pm on Saturdays because if you think I'm bad at updating the blog, ask me how often I check the phone messages!!)

6. You can also just go to www.theminga.com but that will just take you to facebook.  'Make website for The Minga' is on my To Do list.  But even if you don't know me,and you've read this far you now know that I don't always get to things the way I plan to.

But there it is!! An update. All is well at The Minga. We're busy and there is lots of things going on. We're feeding people some excellent plant-based, locally sourced, organic food.  Brewing amazing organic, fair trade coffee.  This week we're hosting the Dunnville Songwriting Camp, we have Seniors in for Euchre every Monday and Wednesday Morning, Anime Films on Friday evenings, Meatless Monday dinners on (you guessed it) Monday nights, Thursday night is Veggie Thursday and we offer a plant-based dinner special then too.  Stop in soon!!  There's more, it's just 12:18am on a day that began before 7am and yeah, well, you know how it is...

Okay. That's good for now. No promises, but I will endeavour to update this before Christmas!! Here is a lovely photo of some truly fine human beings...